Wednesday, July 30, 2014

"Celestial / Extraterrestrial"

Woken up by the clinging of cups — had I arrived at Mad Hatter’s tea party? 
This someone who was handling several (yes, it sounded more than a couple) 
cups was nervous, as if it didn’t want to wake 
me? Or Alice? Or whom?
The clinging and tinkling of sensation in my barely alive mind then 
trailed off, like the trail of liquid marks on the floor. 
The sound of spilling. T’was all so gentle to wake up to. 

What time was it? Why did I worry about what time was it? But,
was it early — how early? 
At once, it felt lame in the lack of immediate access to Time. 
Always, it did not matter. 

What to do with this perfect ambiguous morning 
after you’d pushed me out of my dream? 
I don’t even dream of him. Though
I would have never dreamed it being a nightmare with you. 
Going by my routine, confused I began to be. 

It’s not that unusual. 
I’d remembered the possibility that you never loved me. 
And you don’t. 
I am a fragment
all your outlined non-linearities. 

You told me once I was eternal 
neither linear or non-linear
yet why do I feel constantly on the
edge of ending? Continuously 
Is that what forever must come to? 

Although I’d come to you in my dreams, 
weeping in brutal confession,
painful self-confrontation,
I remained outside of you. You still stayed away from us. 
We are a dream made into an entity 
outside of ourselves, running a life of its own 
to each of our own. 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

"Upon Sunset"

I felt the need to lie down
and so we did. 

God must have found
His way to my windowsill;
a touch with His finger, the bed 
was illuminated.

The fresh, crisp air funnelled through
and wrapped us in one
on top of this pale duvet.

When did the sun become kind
and love so undeniable? 
Nap, we didn’t.
Weep, I did. 

Our shadows born from the sun 
barely breathed beneath us.
We were sure
we had each other. 

Hugging is letting your chests kiss.
We let our hearts be close, despite
the barrier of our skin.
I cried,

because I loved him so much. 
He was a jewel
completely surrendered to my possession.
His crown I wanted
to hold entirely—
protected in my chest—
and we’d fit perfectly.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

"Learned Helplessness"

What are days for? 
The hours, the years...
Once the moment is gone
how do my words hold on? 

The tediousness of life
teases. Oftentimes 
helplessness refuses to 
cease; it only phases. 

What are we to do 
with so many shutters
of the eyes, witnessing
the overwhelmingly
incessant, violent
murder of time?